It started as a rock bottom, but ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. Hard to get my head around at the time, but it led me to find balance in life.
In this post, I’ll let you in on some universal truths that few are considering, namely your unique energy.
All beings are energy and your soul’s essence comes with an energy frequency that is light represented in colors.
What are your soul essence colors and natural energy?
We often focus on the end goal when we envision how we can step into more balance in life. We see ourselves with more time to relax, more time with friends and family, and often more material assets or time off from “having to be on the hamster wheel”.
There is nothing wrong with wanting our life balance to be manifested in form as an expression of our own well-being, but it’s not what to focus on to get there.
Have you ever felt in flow?
With that, I mean when something just came together effortlessly.
I bet you have, but often we focus more on the moments we struggle.
And I invite you to grow that feeling you had when you were in flow within yourself.
When our focus becomes something else than the outcome, we become part of a journey that is dynamic and inspiring.
When we focus on the journey and what we can do to live our best life every day, we create life balance.
Basically, it’s already HERE!
Check out my article in MysticMag “Achieving the Ultimate Goal: Balance with Ulrika Sullivan” MysticMag, is an online publication that offers insightful articles on metaphysical services, holistic health and wellness, and spiritual guidance.
One of the first things I do when someone is asking me “How do I find balance in life, Ulrika?” I ask them “Are you open to learning something new about yourself?”.
And if they say YES!! I am all IN!
How to find balance in life starts with learning something new about yourself.
I get excited because I KNOW they will walk out with a new perspective of who they are.
Who are you? What is your natural way of being?
First, you can learn as much as possible about your unique energy imprint. This happens mostly through a thorough reading of your birth chart.
In every reading, I use your Astrology, Human Design, and GeneKeys, and often with a Galactic spin on it.
A multidimensional perspective is a whole new way of viewing yourself!
Then, the fun starts!
The new insights are pieced together and during a coaching session, we arrive at what’s most important here and now to dive into that first.
From there, gentle intuitive guidance unlocks energy that may have been put away inside.
Sometimes it’s been buried within someone for years.
As soon as the connection is made between a previous experience and the relevance to this life, the release is happening!
A new perspective is born!
Are you curious about what your galactic alignments are? Download my free Galactic Alignments Reference Guide.

How to find balance in life is about connecting to your multidimensional self and bringing that perspective into everyday life.
But what does that mean?
It means that you start to trust and believe that there’s something unseen that is supporting and guiding you if you tune into it with your heart and intuition.
Learn more in this article that I wrote in MagicMag “Achieving the Ultimate Goal: Balance with Ulrika Sullivan” MysticMag, is an online publication that offers insightful articles on metaphysical services, holistic health and wellness, and spiritual guidance.
If you want to learn about your unique soul essence energy and blueprint, book a reading and check out my book below!