Day two of Cape Town was April 19th which was a rough morning with it being our original due date (from the miscarriage before this pregnancy) and also my cousin who passed away.. her birthday. I woke up a little off so I was so happy to explore more of Cape Town and see some penguins! The drive to the penguins was mostly all scenic views of the coastline. We originally stopped for a breakfast at a cute restaurant where I had something completely new – truffle mushroom on a toast. Sounds interesting but delicious! Then we headed off to see the penguins.

This is a total tourist thing to do – and we were tourists so we had to! There is a fee to enter and there is a side with a beach and a trail that you walk along, and then also a side that walks you right down to where the penguins are. We walked the trail first and it was well worth the walk as you can see! Clearly the name and the amount of boulders goes hand in hand.

Sometimes when you do touristy things like in Italy when I went to the Trevi Fountain, there are swarms of people and it just takes away from the experience. Especially when sometimes it doesn’t look that way in photos. I am not sure if we just got lucky but there was a very small amount of people around and those that were lounging were mostly there to swim or enjoy the beach. We didn’t come across a huge crowd or anything that took away from the experience on the beach side. So, if you get to the penguins go down the trail instead of just the one stop at the beginning!

We took all the photos and again, as you can see there are a few people but it really was not bad! Everyone was polite and the water was so clear. We probably should have brought our suits but the water was a little chilly just with the time of year. I am sure this is quite busy in their summer! (Seasons are opposite so heading into their winter here).

We then walked back to the other side of the path where the first entrance was and looked over the pier at the penguins! Most of them were here and again, not sure on the seasonality of it but it had just the right amount of people I would say. Calihan loved that his shirt matched the penguins!

After the penguins there is a gift shop that you exit out of (I told you it’s touristy) and they have all kinds of souvenirs if you are interested! I do like when the gift shops are at the end so you aren’t carrying items around. The walk back to parking which was a little bit of a walk also had street vendors and some other shops. There was also some live music / singing as well for a full experience.
Our day two ended with seeing family for a big dinner! We flew out the following morning so another quick trip, but I felt accomplished finally making it to Cape Town!